Steal These Ideas


Last week I put out 10 ideas I wanted you to POACH. No honestly, I said steal them and take them and make money and become happy and then write me from Helsinki (I like postcards). These aren’t meant to be homeruns…just starting points for you to come up with better thoughts. Here are 10 MORE ideas primed and ready to roll with. Most of my ideas actually only make it to the email list. Get on the idea email list for more.

Going out tour guide

A lot of people like to travel. A lot of people like to party. But the two don’t always go well together. When you’re traveling, you can read all the reviews that you want, but the local tips still slip by. I want an app that will pair me up with someone who is down to go out on a random night of the week abroad. Of course they’ll have ratings and reviews from previous travelers on there so we can pick and choose what kind of style we want.

21st century Senate/House website

As an outsider being in DC for a bit you start to realize that most everyone knows who holds what spot in office. However after a little looking around myself I also started to realize that all of the government websites are pretty lame. They just feel boring and uninteresting. There is a market for a web designer to give government information a facelift. Check out this site and tell me you couldn’t fix it up a bit

Light On, Light Off

This one is a project for a small (possibly creepy) data guy/programmer or even the cops. Say you need to find out which apartment someone lives in, but you only know which building they go into and when they go into it. Set up a recorder that tracks who enters the building at what time, and then a separate recorder that notes when lights are turned on in the apartment. My guess is that 30seconds-1min after a person enters the main door, their lights will turn on in their apartment. Easy and passive.

Drone Cowboy

The drone industry is going through a wild wild west phase. Everyone is curious about them, rules are loosely enforced, and we have yet to have any serious (relatively) security threats with them. This calls for a real life drone cowboy to protect the skies. Its a matter of years (or months) until autonomous drones will protect everyone. HOWEVER, there is a big niche right now (security/PR wise) for someone to claim they are the best drone operator in the world. This person would also be able to charge a nice premium on protecting sensitive skies.

Snapchat story contest 

Venmo split project functionality

IoT when someone is on the pooper at work and you let everyone know its occurpied

Tinder without pics. Only fun facts or favorite song 

Secret picture taker - turn the screen black so it doesn’t look like you’re taking one. Tap to get a pic, double tap to open up the screen. 

Internet of Things for the gym. Put a sensor on the weights to see when they are being moved. Both on the weights and on the bench pad. Smart gym. Gyms can purchase knew equipment and get a huge discount by trading in their old equipment. Track which weight goes on which bar, see it all live in real time on WiFi. You know what reps, what weight, and what gets used when. Adjust staff, supplies, and exercise equipment accordingly

Get the next 10 ideas…

March 13th, 2015 10:08am

Written by

Greg Kamradt


Fri Mar 13 2015