Social Engineering/Hustling/Work Arounds #7
Use a familiar keyword to warm up a cold email
Now that you’ve gotten your target person that you want to get in front of you need to make a connection. You see, the thing about emails, theres still a first impression. Emails get looked over so quickly that you need to let the reader know that 1. You’re a real person 2. What you are saying is relevant and has a point.
I call this the Slate Magazine Example:
I am on the job hunt in a new city and emailing perspective employers all day. No one wants to talk to a needy job-seeker so I had to present myself relevant….sane. In order to do that I chose to attach myself to a socially reputable event, but remember, I know zero about my surroundings.
Objective: Send a cold email to a consultant at a International Trade firm who happens to be tech savvy (LinkedIn Tip), works downtown and get a call to result from the email.
I went over to MeetUp.Com and found the biggest tech talk meeting up in downtown. I wasn’t too interested on the talk, but more on the location it was held! I mean big name places are always donating space to get there name out there. I found out that Slate Magazine hosts a tonnnn of tech talks and has a good name in the city. I’ll drop that name to anchor me to at least something.
Woo!Yeah got the response. Check out Adams last line:
Got the call and learned a ton!
August 27th, 2014 9:41am
Written by
Greg Kamradt
Wed Aug 27 2014